Monday, May 30, 2011

In Remembrance

To all those that have served this great country; to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the name of Freedom; to those that waited for the ones that never returned, we salute you this Memorial Day. We offer our heartfelt gratitude and prayers in remembrance of those brave men and women of our Armed Forces who gave their lives both here and abroad so that we at home might remain safe. You will never be forgotten.

The Stockbridge Citizen-Herald

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Not Gonna Do It

Leroy Fick, 59, of Auburn, Michigan won $2 million in the Michigan Lottery. He continues to draw and use Food Stamp benefits. (Yes, you read that right)
Fick made the following statement to a reporter from WNEM-TV when asked how he could in good conscience use food stamps intended for people in bad financial straits, when he was a millionaire:
"If you're trying to make me feel bad, you're not gonna do it."
The good folks of Stockbridge are familiar with that refrain. But here in this little corner of Ingham County it sounded more like this:
We were fired.
There was no financial mismanagement. 
The Village is not broke.
We took employee hours away to balance the budget.
I didn't take my yearly bonus for the sake of good financial management.
There is nothing wrong with the budget. 
We are in good shape financially.
We needed the water and sewer money to pay bills. We can put it all back next month.
Someone fixed the elections.
People were saying bad things about us at work. We want our severance package.
And on and on and on ad-nauseum. There will be no apologies from the people responsible for the current financial crisis here, nor will there be any for what they have done to the people they were charged with serving. There will be no admission of guilt. That would assume that the people involved have a conscience.
 What it really boils down to is what Mr Fick so eloquently said when presented with his own reprehensible act:
"If you're trying to make me feel bad, you're not gonna do it."

Tattle - Tale ...


Stockbridge Village Trustee Heath Corey mowing the Park and Ride area. You'd have thought there was a wedding going through town, all the car horns that were tooting! This volunteer-ism seems to be catchy! Way To
Go Heath!

Saturday, May 14, 2011



SDDA board member Dan Wilson mowing Veterans Memorial Park, and apparently enjoying himself! (Wilson has volunteered to mow the park for FREE to save SDDA $$. Village Trustee Greg Uihlein will take over for Wilson when he goes on vacation. Great leadership, guys! Way To Go!)

Unknown (well, we know but we're not telling) Stockbridge Village Police Officer chatting with a group of citizens, practicing what is commonly known as Community Policing. (We see this as a HUGE step in the right direction for community - police department relations.)

The Citizen - Herald would like to ask it's readers to send us photos of people "caught in the act" of doing something nice. See someone with a great smile? Snap a pic. See someone lending a helping hand? Snap a pic. Catch someone in the act and we'll post the pics to prove it!
Send e-mail to:

Friday, May 13, 2011

Blogger Problems

Dear Readers - Blogger experienced technical problems over the past two days that resulted in some blogs losing some posts.
They are currently attempting to restore lost blog postings.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Please join us in wishful thinking and/or prayer that Citizen - Herald posts will be fully restored.

Thank You,
The Stockbridge Citizen-Herald

***Please note that comments were also lost. Blog postings here seem to have been restored, but are now missing the comments. Please repost your comments!! We love to hear from you!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Pot Calls the Kettle

Well, we read the paper. (Why do we do this to ourselves?) The interesting headline about Slippery Slopes kinda caught our eye.
You can actually see where the reporter who's name is on the story, stops writing and another unnamed reporter takes over (dictates?) the remainder. Huh. (Grow a pair already, would ya?)
Interestingly enough, the named reporter wasn't actually there for the entire meeting. Nope, she left, and Sandi Kaye stayed to take notes. (The reporter that should grow a pair wasn't there at all.)
Also interesting to us is that the article is incomplete. Nowhere is there any mention of the Cemetery Clean Up, (the one no one from the paper bothered to cover {maybe cuz it wasn't bad news, and/or didn't take place in Chelsea} even though they knew it was taking place) which was discussed at the Council meeting. Course, how exactly, would you could you twist a Cemetery Clean Up done by volunteers into a bad thing?
Back to the "slippery slope" of council members or Village employees accepting gifts - can you hear us all laughing? Certain names come to mind immediately, as far as "gifts" go. One in particular. (hang on, wiping tears from eyes so typing can continue) Here's a question: How much did that lovely field stone retaining wall in front of a certain ex-Village employee's home cost? (Now you know as well as we do that had that retaining wall been in front our YOUR home, it would be some dirt with grass seed and hay)
And unemployment benefits (complete with maximum allowable payout and all the emergency extensions) for someone who is SUSPENDED from their job? Honey, that is a GIFT! (maybe it was a combination anniversary/birthday/Mother's Day gift - and it certainly keeps on giving!)
Let's not forget the severance package (no, they were NOT fired) which could be viewed as a gift, since some residents idea of a severance package would have been to run the ex-Chief and ex-Manager out of town on a rail. (And that was the nicest option)
Does the pot really call the kettle black? You betcha.
We think that there should be a headline that says: "Ex Village Manager Moves on to Local Paper - Sour Grapes Now Available in Print!"
Cuz he needed another forum. (not)
Maybe he'll move to Chelsea - heard they have a huge pot of money over there in their DDA. Oh, wait - they televise those now, don't they?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sign Us Up

Former Stockbridge High School Teacher Lynette Brown was awarded roughly $135,000 in a severance agreement with Stockbridge Schools.
Brown was placed on Administrative Leave in January after police reported that she had threatened to "off" herself and principal Carl Heidrich.
Where can we sign up for these severance packages they are currently handing out in Stockbridge?
And how come you can't just fire people who do things that absolutely demand firing?
We have no answers for the above questions.
We're not sure anybody does.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Council Meeting High-Lights and Other Stuff

For those of you that missed the Stockbridge Village Council Meeting, you might be interested to know:
1. There is a $45,000 mistake in the budget created by your former Village manager. And it's not to the good. (shocking, right? eh, not so much)
2. There is an additional mistake in the budget created by your former Village manager to the tune of about $27,000. Again, it's not to the good. (and again, we are just shocked - not)

Free Advice: Go to the Village Offices. Ask for a copy of the budget. Ask to be shown these particular mistakes and how it will affect the bottom line of your Village. 

More Free Advice: Show up for these meetings. It looks as if the current council is laying everything on the table, and practicing transparency in government. (which for this Village is something new and different)

Free Suggestion: If you should happen to see Trustee Joe Pena anywhere, you might want to ask him why he doesn't come to meetings. (just a thought)

URBAN LEGEND DE-BUNKED: Evidently the Village of Stockbridge really does have a motorcycle for police patrol. Honest - some citizens have actually seen it on the street! We will gladly post pics of said officer and motorcycle - send them to us at: 

Update on Deficit Elimination Plan: There is now a Deficit Elimination Plan. Current Village Manager Ford and others have put together a plan for the deficit that occurred in fiscal year ending 2010, and the additional deficit for fiscal year ending 2011. (Yes, additional. You know who to thank for that, right?) Stay tuned for more information as it becomes available.

and finally:
It has come to our attention that certain citizens felt that the cemetery clean up was nothing more than a big fat waste of time, and that council members there could have better spent their time on other issues more pressing. 
Really? Really? What kind of moron thinks that? 
And if that is how you really feel - tuff %*@&.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Lasting Legacy

On Saturday April 30, the Village of Stockbridge saw true community leadership. At a gathering of volunteers cleaning up the Oaklawn Cemetery, you couldn't throw a stone without hitting an elected official. 
Rakes in hand, trucks full of a seasons worth of dead fall, old Christmas decorations, broken plastic pots and other debris, your community leaders and civic minded citizens took matters into their own hands, and had a good time doing it. 
Your Village council made a good showing; Don Byrd, Heath Corey, Phyllis Stowe, and Greg Uihlein were there, as was Tom Ford, working side by side with Annabell Howard and Dan Wilson of the SDDA. No one should be surprised that Stockbridge Township officials Paul Risner and Mary Wilson were there as well.
In most cases, these people brought their families, creating a tradition of civic duty that will be its own reward. This is what leadership looks like.
Stories were told about some of the Cemetery 'residents', memories of friendships and families, a legacy in stone and alive in the hearts of the people cleaning up their final resting place. A couple of tears were shed over lives cut short and families left grieving, of good friends gone too soon and children now playing with angels. There are graves adorned with flowers and trinkets, marbles and toy tractors and even a couple of unopened beers. People still pass this way to pay tribute to the ones who sleep here. 
It should also not surprise you that there was plenty of laughter in this usually quiet and peaceful place, as the clean up crew told stories about friends and family now gone. All in all, it was a tribute to the people who lie in Oaklawn and the people there cleaning up this history lesson carved in stone. 
To all of those who came and worked and shared - thank you, thank you.
The cemetery looks beautiful, and so did you.