Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Letter to the Editor

Thank you Stockbridge Citizen-Herald for acknowledging my appointment to Chief of Police. I look forward to working with all the members of this community to make Stockbridge a safer place to live and work.
I am committed to continuing to provide quality police service.
I hope everyone is having a safe and fun-filled summer thus far.
Thanks again.

Johnnie Torres
Chief, Stockbridge Police


  1. Stockbridge ResidentAugust 9, 2011 at 2:26 PM

    We are lucky to have Chief Torres. He has the training and experience that we need in the Village.
    Congratulations, Chief!

  2. Woohoo!! Love us some Johnnie Torres. :) LOL

  3. The other Chief was a "chair rider" rarely stepping out into the community. Many Village residents had never even seen him. Chief Torres is actively involved in this community. He stops to talk, he's always available, the kids like and respect him and the adults trust him. Now, if the Village Council can figure out how to make it worth his while to stay, we'll really have the beginnings of a police department we can all be proud of!

    1. chief King was out in the community all the time and was a very good officer

  4. Not once have i heard anyone in this town say "wow, we sure miss Mike King". I have heard folks say what a great job John Torres is doing. How about that? Thank you council for cutting out the cancer that was destroying this town. We all know how the past council was spending us out of control and now we are left with very hard decisions. We no longer have or need a village manager, how about that"? Our last one was paid and paid well, about 70 percent more than the average salary in Stockbridge. How about that?

  5. Let's not forget that when 'everyone's' hours were cut to part time to balance the budget, the manager's hours were cut as well - but unlike the rest of the employees, his pay was NOT. So, full time wages + benefits + reitrement = SCREWING THE VILLAGE. And he made sure his friend King got the same package as he did.
    I would like to think that the Village is heading in a new direction. I would like to think that things are finally changing for the better. And I would like to think that Torres is an example of that change.

  6. Our village was left with a mess. Yes some people took care of them selves and their friends, we see that in our federal government and we complian about it, thinking we can't do anything about it. We can when it comes to our local politics. I urge everyone to come to all of the public meetings to stay up on all the doings as it pertains to all of us.

  7. I sure hope the powers to be are sharing more information with the police chief than they are with the community members i.e tax payers! i.e voters! If he is as confused as the rest of us about the future of our police department and coverage than the rest of ; i hope he dosn't get as fed up as we are and leave....My understanding is some of the village police committee members were not told about ending the village pubic safety committee. So our leaders are not communicating with one another, they are not communicating with the citizens, i.e tax payers, sure hope they are communicating with him better than the rest of us. I sure hope Mr. Byrd knows what he is doing with our police department. The previous village council's have spent a lot of time and taxpayer money to assure we have a police department. I would sure hate to see anything happen to it.

  8. Yes they did. Spent us into the poor house. At least someone admits that. Thank you.

  9. Really? Someone clicked the you can't be serious button? twice?
    YOU can't be serious.

  10. But does the people of stockbridge know that john torres was fired from lansing police department for dwi with a blood alchol level of .14 the legal limit is .08 getting into a car wreck and killing someone and there is toxicoligy reports stating the facts but surprize surprize didn't get nothing out of it

    1. All news stories about it have been scrubbed from the internet. Sounds like a cover up, to me!!!

  11. John torres is one of the worst cops I've met. He's very unfair and unbelievable judgemental. He looks at all stockbridge kids as useless drug addicts. He wants and does the worst for kids here. I don't think its fair that he is cheif. He's not helpful nor supportive. Hell pull you over without an excuse if he sees your face and hurd rumors about you . He acts like stockbridge is one of the wost cities in the state. Its a quiet village where everyone knows everybody. He's no better than cheif king.

    1. This guy was driving drunk, got in an accident, where a human being lost their life, He plead GUILTY, and Stockbridge hires him, anyway??? It's right out of the Clinton playbook. WAKE UP STOCKBRIDGE, he's got to go away!!!

  12. I understand that Torres screwed up but what you didn't say was that the man killed was more drunk (not making excuses) but Torres learned his lesson, was fired and still has the passion that this town needs to get drugs out of our town and if that means being "unfair" and tough on the kids, then so be it. There are to many parents in this town that aren't doing their job and unfortunately Torres is having to be the one dealing with the brats so I have nothing but respect for a man willing to get back up and do his best for a town like ours.

  13. The accident involving Chief Torres, while showing a great lapse in judgement on both parties, occurred because the other driver ran a stop sign and pulled in front of Torres' car. Drunk or sober, the sad fact is, he would have hit the guy either way.

  14. Once an officer is fired from one police agency, for corrupt criminal behavior, is it prudent for any other police agency to hire that same individual, as the top cop, even though he employs intimidation tactics in his policing??? I wonder how he would treat a black man??? He's got to go!!!
