Saturday, April 16, 2011

Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!!

Ok, apparently we live in the Land of Oz, complete with a brainless Scarecrow, a Cowardly Lion, and a Tin Man with no heart. 
Honestly you need a program to follow the players. There's almost a curtain that comes down between acts.
The Scarecrow was spanked silly by the Village Attorney at last months council meeting, proving that the Wizard (you can figure out who that is) has yet to bestow a brain upon that hapless individual, evidenced by the ridiculous attempt to argue law with an attorney. And the Scarecrow is still spouting law and ordinances with no working knowledge of either.
"I would while away the hours, certain of my powers, if I only had a brain..Oh the thoughts I'd be thinkin', I could be another Lincoln if I only had a brain..."  (admit it, you're humming)
The Scarecrow is, not surprisingly, forgetting earlier comments it made, and can't seem to keep track of anything. Who remembers when Scarecrow insisted there was nothing wrong with the budget,(and we were all a bunch of alarmists with a grudge), insisting that the Village Manager and Chief of Police were fired (when in fact they were the parties that had asked for a separation) and insisting that most of the current council was violating the Open Meetings Act (even after having that explained) and calling for prosecution.
Still waiting on that brain....
You will let us know when you can figure out what an isosceles triangle is, right?
Listen, everyone wants to move forward. 
The problem is the past keeps coming back to bite the Village on it's ass.
The First Amendment will definitely protect your right to free speech, Scarecrow.
It might even protect your right to be an ass, so you go on ahead.
Better to shut your mouth and let people think you're stupid, than open it and prove them right.
Advice to those of you who want to HELP the Village move forward (you know who you are):
Be a part of the solution, not part of the problem.
Volunteer your time and talent. 
Come to meetings and hear for yourself what's happening. It's the only way you'll really know what's going on. Don't take anyone's word for anything. Your information is only as good as your source. 
While this blog is truthful and contains hard facts that withstand scrutiny, it is certainly colored by our opinions. 
However, we know that we are not the end-all and be-all on every subject under the sun. Unlike the Scarecrow, we can be taught. 
Welcome to Oz, children.
There's no place like home.


  1. Have some class please. At least on the other blog they put hard facts whereas you sit here calling people an ass and try to make some ridiculous comparison to the Wizard of Oz. Make a good argument and people might listen to you. All you do is say, "She said this and that's not true" and, "she said that and she's an idiot" and the other blog has documents proving her side of the story. I hadn't chosen a side until you wrote this asinine post and all this has shown me is that you and your "possy" are just a bunch of middle school bullies trying to gang up on someone who stands for what is right. It was obvious that your middle school self did not have a comeback to what was written, so you used name calling instead. Grow up.

  2. Someone trained to spot highly intelligent peopleApril 17, 2011 at 12:47 AM

    Um, you don't spell posse with a "y". That's a whole other word.
    And the "documents" you are referring to should probably be read by the person referencing them.
    If you want to stand for something that's right, you should probably make sure you're not falling for someone else's BS first.
    And an ass is a kind of cute horse sort of thing. That could be a compliment.
    Just think, if you would have tried to post your comment on the other blog, it wouldn't have made it past the "moderator." And those are the people that want you to have all that free speech - except when they don't want you to have it. LOL God I love this town!
    And if you find this blog offensive, you should exercise your right to not read it. Right?
    This blog is written by a genius.

  3. Well, we definitely aint in Kansas anymore Dorothy.
    Good Post! Had a nice laugh with my coffee!
    Thanks and keep up the good work!
    At least someone is telling it like it is.

  4. Dear Someone trained to spot highly intelligent people,
    You should take the bloggers advice and "shut your mouth and let people think you're stupid, than open it and prove them right." And if you are going to counteract what someone said, please come up with something better than "This blog is written by a genius." Yes the comment was posted, but then ridiculously scrutinized by yourself. The other blog probably won't post your comments due to your utterly idiotic comments Mr."an ass is a kind of cute horse thing."

    P.S. it's called a donkey.

  5. let me guess, you represent the lollipop guild?April 17, 2011 at 6:29 AM

    Dear Someone trained to spot highly intelligent people said...
    You should probably take your blogger's advice and "shut your mouth and let people think you're stupid, than open it and prove them right." If you're going to try and rebuttal try to come up with a decent argument other than, "This blog is written by a genius." As to the documents, I think it's pretty obvious the person referencing them has read them, so that argument has no place here. Have you read them? The other blog probably won't post your comment because you say things like, "an ass is a kind of cute horse sort of thing." Grow up and as the previous comment stated, it's time to graduate from the eighth grade.

    P.S. It's called a donkey

  6. Hey “Scarecrow” take the advice that has been giving and read the laws and ordinances you so angrily supply us. You did get schooled/spanked in your futile attempt to argue with the village attorney. Just maybe you owe some one an apology. Maybe you are above that. My advice is to “look behind the curtain”.

  7. Enjoy your blog. Keep it up. The others are tainted by false information and don't bother to 'fact check'. You are a breath of fresh air!

  8. Isn't one of the village council members known as The Wizard? Oh...wait...he's not a council member, he's the council director.

  9. Thank you for allowing folks to comment on your blog without censorship. The "other" blog monitors the comments and doesn't allow anything posted that may conflict with the writer's opinion. How much "truth" is there in only one side of the story?

  10. No, the Wizard is the former Village Manager. Remember the other post - Don't pay attention to the man behind the curtain?
    Pretty funny stuff - and accurate!
    And on the other blog most of those comments are by the writers themselves. Like we need more of their opinions. (not)

  11. Has anyone ever witnessed a quorum of council at the Stagestop? or anywhere? If so, then I suggest they take a picture to prove it. I know I will if I see it. :)

    I am pretty sure that Tom Ford resigned whilst the Village was free from scandal and lawsuits (albeit briefly) and I think that he is nothing but honest and truly wishing the Village to move forward. However, I too am unsure that he is the man for the job. But then again, interim is not permanent and he can and will take the pressure off Mr. Byrd.

    I would also like to know which campaign promises the new council is remiss in fulfilling in a timely fashion. Aside from the secret ones that is.....

  12. Why does that 'other' blog have to knock the paper so much? Their byline reads "What the press doesn't tell you about stories." Kind of rude and actually meaningless as the press doesn't tell us 99% of all stories as 100% would be impossible. LOL

  13. WOW, I SO wish the comments had a name instead of anonymous, I have a name, it's Kristi Misiak,(for the record, loud and proud, yes, I am the step-daughter of Don Byrd). I have things to do but I can't stop reading all the blogs and the comments, and in my opinion the author of the blogs is a genius, at least a genius writer, because he/she keeps my attention and I don't want to stop reading unlike how I feel while reading the "other" blog. Too I said in a letter to the editor a long time ago, conflict has and always will exist, just a fact of life. Isn't it beautiful that we can express our thoughts and feelings freely? God Bless America
