(hum along - you know the tune)
Oh where, oh where has the Stockbridge Truth gone?
Oh where, oh where can it be?
With it's long winded posts
so short on facts
Oh where, oh where can it be?
We have heard lots of rumor and innuendo.
We have heard lots of snickering regarding quite a few people as yet to be named.
And we are very, very curious.
But until we have the facts dear readers, it's all on the QT and very Hush Hush.
I thought my the post I made was clear. Let me see if I can clear it up further. I'm dying from Cancer, and participating in writing is and was having a disastrous effect on my health. I also have a very, very sick daughter - and life is really crazy and upsetting for my entire family right now because I'm only getting 1/2 of the Chemo I should be getting due to insurance issues. Just writing this is giving me symptoms of flushing, and heart palpitations. So, in looking at what is more important, and coming face to face with one's mortality - you change what priorities in life you might have. I also took a deep look at some of the things I wrote, and to tell you the truth I don't think those things line up with the person I really am. No matter what, at the end of the day - I have to live in this community and after Tom stopped by the other day I took a hard look at what I was doing and wondering if I was truly helping the community. What I decided was it was best to instead be negative, to actually turn around and try to offer support for the good of the community.
ReplyDeleteIf you would like or need further clarification, please feel free to stop by my house or email me and I will be glad to give you my phone number.
Gary Smith
Good for you Gary, its never too late.
ReplyDeleteIt's amazing to me that a simple conversation with Tom Ford led to this 'epiphany' of Mr.Smith's. And while I am sorry for Mr. Smith's health issues, and those of his family, we all have our burdens to bear. Mr. Smith's words of scorn of the current council and his obvious lack of facts or research still ring in my ears. What this community needs to do is to STOP tearing itself apart and START working together toward a more positive and prosperous future. Maybe Mr. Smith's 'epiphany' is the beginning......
ReplyDeleteWorking together is the right direction. There has been many changes to our fair village. I see a great amount of active volunteers working all around. Costs have been cut by people working together in the interest of our downtown. I'm encouraged with what I see. It's never a problem having different opinions, it is when specific people are named and accused falsley. Gary, it's good to hear from you and many thanks for Mr. Ford for taking the time in conversation. I look forwardvto seeing more folks helping out putting Stockbridge in a better light. Maybe the Sun Times will follow and promote the town they reside in instead of Chelsea.
ReplyDeleteSun Times promote Stockbridge?
ReplyDeleteWhen pigs fly.
Loved the L.A. Confidential reference.
ReplyDeleteKeep it up - this blog is great!
I think that Gary Smith has always had his heart in the right place even if his facts were a bit off. Even if I was one of those people hurt by his innuendo. I still personally like Gary Smith and believe he only wanted the 'truth' to be heard. It is sad that his truth was biased and I believe it also sad that the truth he heard and believed was not the whole truth. There are always 3 sides to every story, arent there? LOL My perception of reality is as skewed as the next guys.
ReplyDeleteFor those folks that need the truth, come to meetings become involved in the community. That is the only way you will get the real truth. Even this publication is to give enough information for you to want to get involved. Never stand on another persons view of the truth when you can go to the source and get it for your self. Stay involved Stockbrige, help out when you can, it takes a village...