Saturday, March 26, 2011

Got a Cape?

Superman isn't coming. 
Wonder Woman won't be here, the invisible plane is in the shop.
Batman is busy.
Robin is doing the lecture circuit on self-actualization.
Mighty Mouse is in rehab. (They say it's a cheese addiction)

Stockbridge needs some local heroes to donate their time, their talent and their energy to volunteer for stuff that just needs doing.
The Downtown Development Authority decided to partner with the Ingham County Courts to be providers of Community Service hours. Those sentenced to community service will now have the option to do that service in Stockbridge, directed here by the probation department. (Gotta say, feelin' pretty good about this) 
(And before you ask - no, axe murderers don't get sentenced to community service.)
There is a director in place for this program, another volunteer, Greg Uihlein. He will hand out assignments and supervise workers. (high five, Greg)
Hopefully, with the free labor provided by community service and local volunteers (hoping for volunteers here) the cemetery and parks will be taken care of at a fraction of the cost.
But why stop there?
Why not partner with the Township and create a volunteer force that would provide services for the local senior citizens, who due to age or illness are no longer able to mow, rake, shovel or do any number of jobs that need doing around the house?
We have local government officials who are open to the idea of "thinking outside the box." Working hand in hand with government may seem like an oxymoron, but it could happen! (what a novel concept)
Have an idea of your own that would make the Village a better place? Share it at a council meeting, stop in at the Village offices or grab a trustee. Heck, write a letter, or make a call.
Step up to the plate. 
Be a local hero.
Cuz, the other heroes are busy.
It's up to us.

1 comment:

  1. How about an annual 'clean up Stockbridge weekend'? In the Spring and prior to Memorial Day to clean up the downtown sidewalks, gutters, park, DNR trails, and maybe even the banks of Portage Creek? With many brooms, rakes and shovels, this could be a great event to help bring our community together!
