Let the games begin! Once again Gary Smith and his brainless neophytes have begun the Stockbridge Un-Truth Blog for all good citizens of the Village who prefer to have someone else do all their thinking for them. If you prefer a live performance, they do appear locally at various meetings.
Accusations of incompetence, firings, and illegal hirings fly and the Maestro directs this hellish opera (and yeah, most opera is high drama, so the term applies) while the Chorus, made up of disgruntled election-time losers and others without the capacity for logical thought sing a refrain.
Let's face it - the other Village Council, under the direction of the former Village Manager, left the new Village Council with a huge mess. The biggest mess was the projected budget deficit of roughly $150,000.
Sure, the Old Council didn't raise taxes. They didn't have to. They spent the close to $600,000 in reserves that an obviously smarter council had the forethought to sock away to guard against lean times. (By the way, these are the lean times they were planning for.) Good question here would be where did all that money go? Hmmmm.....but the people that could really answer that question are no longer in a position to be questioned by the public.
Another good question: How did the Village, which is roughly 1 square mile and comprised of approximately 500 citizens come to pay their Chief of Police almost $100,000 per year in salary and benefits? (Not to mention the police car he drove to and from work every day.)
Anyone want to tackle the question about the legalities of dissolving the SDDA and placing it under the control of the Planning Commission? (And trust me, that is definitely a legal question.)
And could someone explain the almost $3000.00 per month the Village has been paying to rent the new Village Offices, (and that doesn't include what they spent refurbishing said offices), when they had the Old Village Offices rent-free? (So, let's look again - no rent or $3000 per month- nope still doesn't make sense.) Some have said there was a problem with black mold. I guess black mold won't hurt you if you're preaching the Word of God (the old offices were rented to a church while their church was undergoing repairs).
And this is very telling: when it became more than apparent that the Village was BROKE, Mr. Dancer, in order to balance the budget, suggested making the Village Manager's position part time. I though it ALREADY WAS part time, since he was only in the office 4 days a week. (Sometimes less then that) OH! He must've meant pay-wise. Sorry, my mistake.
If you're waiting for the Clue Phone to ring, it's ringing now. Right off the hook.
Most residents of this Village were blissfully unaware of the shenanigans taking place in their local government (most of those were never mentioned in the local rag).The reality is most people don't pay much attention to their government, local or otherwise, until they want to gripe about something.
But to all those willing to chime in with the current chorus of myna birds, I have this to say:
When you point a finger, there's always three pointing right back at you, no matter how much noise you make when you do it.
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