Saturday, April 2, 2011

Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Curtain!

This just keeps getting better.
As information on budgeting problems and irregularities, dropped balls and other monkey business comes to light, the Dancer Memoirs are "leaked."
Yeah, leaked. 
Obviously someone forgot all about the non-disclosure agreement.
We are left with an impression of a man lurking behind doors, eavesdropping on conversations, furtively putting his ear to the bottom of a glass pressed against a wall, and scribbling furiously on a scrap of paper with a pencil nub.
I don't know about anyone else, but I find it truly comical. 
Instead of playing Ace Detective Agency with his fancy de-coder ring, the former Village Manager should have been writing letters to the Treasury so the Village could get it's money (unless he didn't know how to write the deficit elimination plan...). He should have been concentrating on the other mistakes in the budget that he knew were there.
But let's be honest. He was done in August either way, and all of the financial problems here were not gonna be his problem. He gets to walk away.
Guess who gets to hold the bag?
The truly terrifying thought here is that NO ONE knows what the true numbers are. Money has been moved and shifted. There was alot of robbing Peter to pay Paul. 
For instance: when the Village offices were moved, THE NEW EXPENSES WERE NOT IN THE BUDGET. Not the new rent, not the new and higher utilities, not the re-build inside to create the office space. (In other words, let's move, damn the torpedoes, we'll find the money later, we'll just amend the budget. After all, we're all friends here <wink wink>)
So, where did that money come from? (reference the Peter/Paul comment above)
More will evidently be revealed as the current council tries to work it's way through this budget fiasco.  We wish them well, and urge them to stock up on Tylenol.

Not all of us have a pristine past. Not many of us come from families with a lily-white lineage. 
Show of hands: how many people in Stockbridge don't have a black sheep in their family? (or 2 or 3)
How many families are untouched by the scourge of alcoholism and/or drug abuse?
How many here should not throw stones, given their own glass houses?
How damnably sad that a certain man has his criminal history flaunted in a memoir (by the police chief, no less) and re-printed in a blog. Even for these guys, that's low. And done for their own personal gain. No shame in their game, more's the pity.
Too bad these guys didn't pursue their JOBS as vigorously and with such attention to detail. 
And the reality is that the Village is still where it was before all this crap got leaked.
Holding the bag. 
So, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Toto got it all figured out: he's not who he pretended to be.


  1. “Honorable, principled men of integrity“, Ha! What’s next a slip and fall if front of the village office? It seems the smartest man in Stockbridge leaked the wrong information. Maybe now the village will see how paranoia works. I thank God for the folks that took the time to campaign and get elected to clean up the mess left behind. You have my support and I can’t wait for me and my family help you all on volunteer day. Thanks again for caring.

  2. Smoke and mirrors, sleight of hand, this was a bad magic act with no magic at all except to make the village money disappear.
    It's going to take alot more than pulling quarters out of noses to fix this mess.
    And, really, he was the smartest man in Stockbridge. He even outsmarted himself!
