Monday, July 4, 2011

Quotes from the Great Beyond

For those of you with a good memory, the latest Sun Times article bashing certain Village council members should be ringing bells. (And not just because the Sun Times is forever bashing the Village, its inhabitants and its leadership. With the fervor of fanatics - gee you think someone has a personal axe to grind?)
This article - and we use the term 'article' loosely here - was actually a reprint/reconfiguration of answers to a questionnaire sent out to all candidates in the last election, and printed in the paper. (couldn't do your own work, huh?)
But lets get down to brass tacks.
Goals prove elusive? No kidding the goals have proven elusive so far.
The council has spent the last 7 months digging out from under the mess of a budget provided by the former Village manager, dealing with his and the former Police Chiefs whiny bid for a separation and a payoff because they felt they were being unfairly picked on (big girl panties, guys, really) then figuring out where the hell THAT money was going to come from since as we all know the cash reserves were wiped out, and there was a $150,000 deficit. Then there is the whole DPW debacle created by - you guessed it - your former Village manager, who had the brilliant idea that cutting hours and taking away jobs would cover up the yawning hole in the budget. (you realize, dear reader, that 'brilliant' was meant sarcastically, right?) So he threated their living and they fought back the only way they knew how. (Granted, the only one making any money off this whole mess is lawyer Schultz - approximately $28,000 to date) So really, if you're going to present the 'truth', perhaps you should try to present the WHOLE truth.
We also would like to mention here that again, as in the past, this 'article' in the Sun Times has no byline. It is credited to no particular author. Huh. Go figure. Show of hands: How many people are surprised by THAT? (yep, that's what we thought) We are so excited to say this: The Citizen - Herald has learned that it was your former Village Manager who contacted the business agent for the Teamsters for this 'article'. (draw your own conclusions)
Obviously there is a leak in the current Village council. Things that are occuring in closed session are being passed on to someone at the Sun Times. Hey everyone needs their sources, right? But in point of fact, if it can be proven that information from closed session is in fact being leaked by a member, that is grounds for dismissal from the council. We would applaud an effort toward such an end.
Your former Village Clerk was also mentioned in the piece, as having all charges against her being dropped by a Livingston County judge. Well, that's not entirely truthful is it? She will be sentenced in December of this year for one count of misuse of credit.
This current piece of trash printed for your consideration in a newspaper that has completely forgotten its roots and as a result, has lost not only the faith but support of this Village, is a venue for personal opinion and manipulative 'journalism'. (sarcasm again there)
The Sun Times has lost its focus.
Its lost its base of readership and allowed itself to become a glorified tabloid. Really, what's next? Headlines that read "Aliens Stole My Tractor"?
We can honestly say that there are people who appreciate the fact that they receive the paper free each week. They need it for their cat litter pans, birdcages and bonfires. (we just love recycling)
Here at the Citizen - Herald we assume you have the presence of mind to form your own opinions and not let someone tell you what to think. Not even us.
So, as to the quotes from the Great Beyond - we trust that you will form your own opinions. We just thought that you should have the whole story.
Cuz that's just how we roll.
*As a afterthought, we thought we should mention that we did not address all aspects of the above mentioned 'article'. We were afraid we'd start channeling a certain blogger known for his posts that just went on and on and on and on and ... well, you get the idea.


  1. The Sun Times is NOT the local paper any more. Other than sports coverage, most of the stories are about Chelsea and the Dexter and Ann Arbor area. Who gives a crap what's happening there? Good thing I get the paper free, because there is no reason to spend 50 cents on news I don't care about. Ms Wood has slapped this Village in the face. Where did her advertising money come from for years? It came from US and from local businesses. Well, you can place your ads here for free on this blog, and maybe we should all think about doing that. I know where I'm putting my garage sale ads now.

  2. If it wasn't free, I wouldn't read it. Makes a great bird cage liner. Thanks for destroying a good thing local paper. Maybe it's free becuase thats the only way you can promise your advertisment clients it will get read. This blog is more reliable. Thank you.

  3. Might be a good time to start a newspaper in this town - a real newspaper with real news - ha, that would be something different, wouldn't it?

  4. Disappointed in the Sun Times, but not surprised. They never recognize the good being done by the many volunteers because previous council squandered our money and left us in the poor house. We will survive and be proud of who we are. Heath, Greg, CG, Monica, Paul, Dan and all others who have stepped up we love you. Git er done!

  5. So you all are disappointed that a local business is reaching out, growing, and becoming more successful and making more money while still covering specific Stockbridge issues, though not the way you would like them covered. Well here's a thought - Strauch is back around, so maybe he and Doug and Annabelle can start their paper again. It was good for laughs if nothing else.

  6. Not disappointed that a local business is trying to grow, just tired of the negative manner in which the Sun Times covers Stockbridge events. A Day In The Village had two pictures with captions, nothing else - don't you think that was an important and positive event for OUR community and deserved more than it got? Along with the volunteers who work so tirelessly in an effort to make this a better place to live? Frankly, I don't give a crap what Chelsea, Dexter, Grass Lake and Pinckney are doing. I want to know what is going on in Stockbridge, period. And at that, the Sun Times fails miserably. As was said previously, it may be an ideal time to start a newspaper.

  7. Making more money? Who's making more money? MOST of the reporters make $25 dollars per PUBLISHED story. THAT'S RIGHT - you can work on a story for 2 weeks and you get paid $25 bucks IF they put it in the paper. If not, you're out your time and effort. Now that they are publishing stories by writers from, MOST of the LOCAL reporters aren't making any money at all! And not liking they way stories are covered? Are you kidding? I would bet most people in Stockbridge don't like the out right lies and innuendo that DOES appear in the paper.NEVER anything positive. ONE picture this week of Heath Corey (and his name was spelled wrong) and you can barely see him! I wonder if Ed Bocks liked their ad upside down this week, and NUMEROUS spelling and grammatical errors abound. Maybe it is time for a REAL LOCAL NEWSPAPER. Maybe Annabell (that's right you spelled her name wrong too) Doug and Strauch made a better team than Wood, Dancer,Nestor, and Kay. At least they told the damn truth.

  8. Maybe they should do the proof reading before cocktails?
    Just a thought...

  9. sure sucks when the shoe is on the other foot, huh? So, is this blogger ready to reveal who they are? It's easy to spout off when you don't have to back anything up with your name.
