Thursday, September 29, 2011

Something to Consider

Policing. It's a complicated issue. Here are some things to consider if you live in the Village:
  1. You do NOT pay a dedicated millage for your police department. Funding comes from your General Fund.
  2. Understand that as of this moment, it's the Village that needs the Township - NOT the other way around. And it's all about cash flow.
  3. You have recently lost one of your full time officers due to budget constraints. One down, three to go.
If you live in the Township you might want to think about:
  1. Coverage of calls is hit-or-miss with the Ingham County Sheriff's Office. Ditto for State Police.
  2. It's going to take 2 mills to fund policing for the Township. Relax - it works out to less than a dollar a day.
  3. The Township has options.
We suggest you attend meetings on policing. The Township will be holding Town Hall Meetings, which they seem to do for all matters that affect their residents. The upcoming meeting will be held in the Township Hall on October 10 at 7:30.
Write down your questions and concerns. Bring them with you to the meeting. Ask. Ask again. And don't stop asking until you are satisfied you have the answers.
This is about your Township, your money and  most importantly, your safety.
And of course, Village residents are welcome to attend. Who knows? All this information might come in handy one day - if your money problems don't get resolved.
We stand by our assertions in our last post on policing. Might want to take another look at that.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Stuff ... Nonsense ... and more ... stuff ...

Relatively speaking, it's been pretty quiet on the political front, just a few minor rumblings and grumblings. If our post on water and sewer rates is anything to go by, either people don't know or don't care. Huh. Go figure.
The Old Village Offices have been sold. For an undisclosed amount. To an undisclosed buyer. President Byrd announced he had accepted an offer at September's Council meeting. Yep. That's all he said. Evidently this transaction did not require council approval before it goes to closing. Personally, the Citizen-Herald thinks that since the taxpayers of the Village actually own said property, it might have been polite to discuss the details with them. But that's just us.
The 2011 Harvest Festival being put on by the DDA is generating quite a bit of excitement. From the looks of the schedule of events, it looks like a great time should be had by all. We are optimistic. And kind of excited.
The All Clubs Day this past weekend had quite a turn out. Preliminary reports from local businesses show an upward trend in sales generated by the event. This is good news for the downtown area. We just like the motorcycles. That's how we roll.
If anyone has pics of the aforementioned event, please send them to: and we will post same. For posterity. And cuz it would be cool.
In local news, someone took out the fire hydrant on the corner of Main and Clinton streets. Stockbridge PD was there to ticket the driver. We wanna know if the vehicle was still driveable afterwards.
In related local news, someone is running down all street signs on Milner Rd, both east and west of M-52. Again, we'd be curious about what kind of vehicle can run these down and remain driveable. We suggest local parents check vehicles, especially 4x4 trucks with grill guards, driven by teens who say they are going to the library, for damage. Just sayin'.
We would also like to congratulate the Sun Times News on their abundance of advertising. We regret to inform the paper that advertising isn't interesting to read, however pretty the pictures might be. And the actual reporting has been pretty light for a while now. Maybe a new name for the paper: The Sun Times Advertising. Just a thought.
Now for the weather: welcome to autumn in Michigan, where temps can be 80 one day, with blistering sunshine, and 50 the next with wind and rain. That's why we're shaped like a mitten - it can be an oven mit or a winter hand warmer, depending.
Well, that's all for now folks ... and yes, we hear the Looney Tunes music, too. It's hard to write a Porky Pic stutter, though.