Tuesday, July 19, 2011

What a Shame

Interesting tid bit:
Your local editor attended the Stockbridge Township meeting last night.
You'd have thought it was old home week - as far as said editor was concerned - all mincing and prancing and smiles and 'no-hard-feelings' and 'let's all be friends now.'
News Flash: the Stockbridge Township board has not developed Alzheimers disease.
They are more than aware of what you represent, and the way you do business. They know that the local paper can be counted on for about one thing these days: trashing the Village and the Township, when they notice them at all.
(Can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear, honey.)
And here's the telling part of this story:
Not one word, not one question was asked of the board during the meeting by above mentioned editor. Not one single thought to share during public comment. The editor had no comment during public comment.
Knowing that most, if not all, of the politicos in town know better than to trust the editor (read speak to editor), said editor has one of the minions (read local reporter) make follow up phone calls asking all those questions the editor knew better than to call and ask it's editor-self.
Do the minions feel used?
We don't know.
Perhaps the minions don't know what's really going on. But we find that hard to believe.
Don't you?
What we do know is that perhaps the editor would be better served covering politics in Chelsea, Dexter or maybe even Grass Lake.
Unless the editors reputation got there first.


  1. Really "let's be friends" was actually said? Read the letter to the editor. Maybe the editor has lost control and someone else is calling the shots. Gee, that sound familiar. That didn't go so well either.

  2. not said, implied through the overly friendly actions. I mean, does the editor know how people feel? well, apparently not. which would actually be kind of embarassing. and sad.

  3. Has anyone actually read the article about the meeting July 11th? My only real question is WHY would anyone agree to work 45 hours a week and get paid for 32? Especially when they were already getting paid for 32 hours to work 32 hours. My answer would be, no one. no one in their right mind anyway. Unless......hmmmm....were there promises made? or future consideration given? I don't know, do you?

  4. I am curious about the identity of this blogger. Why the secrecy?

  5. Asking again, Who writes this blog?

  6. Why do you ask? Does this blog intimidate you because it's the TRUTH???

  7. If it is the truth, why are you scared to put your name on it?

  8. This blog allows all of us to respond to issues in this community behind the curtain of anonymity uncensored and unedited. Even you, 'Anonymous', have that right. It also allows us to speak without fear of retaliation. Important in a small community.

    Carry on Blogmaster! I support your anonymity and I appreciate the fact that I can also remain 'Anonymous'!

  9. Well, at least the Sun Times identifies its writers/editor. Also, I think they have a few more than six followers.

  10. Ha, I knew it....you're from the Sun Times!!!

  11. If I was the editor of the Sun Times I would think that your ranting and raving posts were proof that she is doing a good job.

  12. If you count 'Staff Writer' as identifying their writers. I believe this is used when they don't want the readers to know that the author is obviously a biased individual.

  13. Well, the fact that the article about the Township meeting included an explanation about the "follow up phone calls" tells me that this blog is intimidating the local paper. And ranting and raving? Nope, just telling it like it is with some humor and some pretty great tongue-in-cheek writing. I like what I get with this blog - great writing, positive stories, and the truth. I think this blogger is writing what most of us have been thinking all along, and doing a great job of it!

  14. Shouldn't the accused have the right to face their accuser? It seems rather cowardly to make such sweeping condemnations while hiding your identity.

  15. Someone Trained to Spot Highly Intelligent PeopleAugust 1, 2011 at 3:59 PM

    Really? You're asking someone to identify themselves (over and over and over)while you post Anonymously?
    Are you missing the irony there?
    I'm laughing so hard I'm gonna pee my pants!!!!!
    God, I love this town and the oxymorons it generates!

  16. It seems like the village and township are run behind the scene by the same puppetmaster. When it comes to major issues such as police protection there is always a few people pushing for what they want. Unfortunatly our "leaders" listen to them instead of what the majority want. Didn't the township already vote not to raise their taxes for police protection with Ingham county? Why keep beatin a dead horse? Our socalled leaders need to start thinking for themselves.
