Thursday, March 24, 2011

Shame the Devil

While you live, tell the truth and shame the devil. - Shakespeare

The truth these days seems to be subjective. It changes with the person telling it and the person listening to it. 
The "Honest - to - God" truth would probably change if the truth teller was actually speaking to God. Most often we flavor the truth with our own prejudices, and  embellish it  to suit our needs. 
How do we know what is the truth and what isn't? Do we rely on what others tell us, or do we do our own investigating into the matter?
It's amazing what we accept as truth these days. 
Don't be gullible. Don't accept what is spoon fed to you as truth. 
Here are some truths:
After two years, the Minix Parking lot has a "go" date of May 1. In one sit down with the Blossoms, Don Byrd managed to strike a deal with the Blossoms. Maybe it was because he approached them with an attitude of negotiation rather then threats of eminent domain. Heavy handedness accomplishes nothing except to put people on the defensive. You try and back someone into a corner and more often than not, they will come out swinging. While not being privy to the actual meeting, the outcome speaks for itself. 
If this is an indication of things to come, the future is looking a bit brighter for the Village.  Perhaps the truth for today is that change is slow, and can be measured by it's accomplishments 
So to those who claim that our Village President is not the man for the job, look at the truth of the matter. He shamed those particular devils.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you Don Byrd for your professional approach to your elected position. We support you in our house hold and I know our neighbors do as well. Keep up the great work.
