Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What's The End Game?

Who says that coups don't happen in America? Take a look around - there's one going on in Lansing as we speak. Snyder is signing into law a bill that would allow the State to step in to ANY city, town, township and village and take over. Just like that. Dissolve any standing local government, relieve them of their duties and any power they may have had if the State feels things are being mismanaged. Well, folks, that's a coup - just without the soldiers. I know that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. 
Locally another coup is taking place - one much closer to home.
This time, pressure from local simpleminded would-be politicos and the drama that engenders, have put the Stockbridge Village President in that rock-and -a-hard-place place. (I know, terribly redundant.) He is forced to choose between his health and running this mess of a town. Don't get me wrong - I like Stockbridge. I even like most of it's residents - but I  aint dying for it. The President shouldn't have to either.
There is an ongoing atmosphere of distrust (gosh I wonder how that happened) that just permeates this town. Gary Smith and his neophytes continue to feed that particular monster, most probably with lots of encouragement from - well - you figure it out. Suffice to say, that all discussion about the resignations of King and Dancer took place AFTER Mr. Dancer left the Village Council meeting Monday night. (Now, there's some food for thought - you hungry?) I wonder what would have happened if those questions would have been directed toward said party, prior to his running off. (Or was it more slipping out?)
Now, some council members are aligning themselves with the "has beens" - those old members that were voted out of office and/or resigned their positions - with plans to reinstate them. (see? that's a coup) Trust me, these guys are dancing a gleeful jig and rubbing their hands together over the smoldering ashes of this Village council; they think it's dead. I beg to differ. (Think Phoenix here, those of you familiar with Greek mythology)
What's the end game? What's behind these carefully orchestrated meeting melees and tree-killing letters to the editor?
Is anyone else seeing a puppet show? (c'mon, people. I mean you can practically see the strings!) Bigger question: who is the Puppet Master? I could answer that, but it would be too easy. (Plus I have faith that if you're reading this blog, you CAN think for yourself.)
I think the end game is a return to the madness and insanity of the previous council. You remember those guys, right? They ignored you during public comment, and had no response to your questions. They spent YOUR money without a care in the world. (you do know it's YOUR money right?) The old council followed the former Village Manager and his "vision". What the hell was the vision? Receivership?  
So here's the deal Mr Byrd:  you need to stay right here in your chair - we saved your seat. Let your trusted council members share the load, take some of the weight.
Know that you have people in this Village that support you. They just have enough couth not to raise their voices and shriek like fishwives in public. (Their mamas raised them better)
This attempted coup did put us all in a position to learn something: keep your friends close - keep your enemies closer? A house divided will fall in upon itself? Or perhaps that trust, like a fine liqueur, should be doled out in small portions. 
Keep the faith, Don. Fight the good fight. You have great corner men.


1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a well written piece, nice job! Oh, and for the record, let me identify myself, loudly and proudly as Don Byrd's daughter who wholeheartedly supports him! The public spoke on election day when he won by a 60% margin, wouldn't it be great if the folks who didn't get voted in showed some grace and dignity and just allowed him to do his job without an attack at every corner? Just a thought...
