Friday, March 18, 2011

What he said

"This nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."  - Abraham Lincoln

 Somehow, I don't think the recent fiasco in Stockbridge Village government was was Honest Abe had in mind. 
We got the free elections right (no matter what a certain loser has to say on that subject).
We used a majority vote to install new officials, and unseat old ones (even if they think differently).
We put our trust in the newly elected officials to lead us into an uncertain economic future with a firm hand at the helm.
We waited breathlessly to see what the future would bring us under new leadership.
We all knew there were budget problems to be resolved (and if we didn't know, we damn sure should have).
The first clue should have been the then Village Manager budgeting for a deficit. (which, by the way, you can't do. BIG no no)
The second clue should have been the disappearance of all cash reserves (actually these clues are interchangeable).
And really, how many more clues did we need after Village President Byrd asked former manager Dancer to list all cash and assets, then all bills and expenditures so everyone would have a clear picture of where the Village stood financially. (Budget breakdowns are hard to understand; Village budget breakdowns are impossible to decipher). Dancer replied, that well, he guessed he could do it that way, but it would be "confusing." (if it wasn't so damn funny, you could almost cry)
Dancer and King resigning was at best bad timing for the Village; at worst some well-planned strategy to strong arm the Village (read YOU) into paying them off before their terms ended. (But we could ask Gary Smith more about that since he claims to have helped write those contracts. I guess it was he that helped them both get their fat severance packages - thank you Gary)
Look at the reality of the situation, but don't trust your eyes - use your noses. If it smells fishy, it probably is. 
What do we want our local government to accomplish for us? What are the local governments' responsibilities to the people that elected them? 
First we have to realize that the adversarial atmosphere that permeates council meetings must end. (this may actually require police presence given some of the antics at the last meeting)
Understand that most of your council is working toward a common goal - balancing the budget and keeping the reins in the hands of the Village - not some anonymous bean counter from Lansing. (and we came close to that - ask a certain city in Livingston County that is staring down the barrel of that particular gun what that feels like)
Second, we have to remind ourselves why we elected the people that now hold office. Hopefully, the answer is that we felt they would serve with integrity and honor thereby changing the mood and perception of Village politics. 
We need to move past name calling and character bashing and on to the problems at hand. If there is a schism in the council, don't let that crack create a divide in your resolve. Figure out which council members have a personal agenda to see the old ways and perceptions come back (this is where you should use your head for something besides a place to hang your ears) and you'll have a much better understanding of what is really going on. 
Hold EVERYONE accountable. THAT is the job of the "people" that Abe was talking about. INSIST that you have all the information. BE a part of the decision making process. Don't ever forget that the elected officials in this town WORK FOR YOU. They volunteered. They campaigned. They shook your hands and made you promises. (well, not the ones that weren't up for re-election, but you can show them what you think when it's their turn at the polls)
Friday's Special Meeting is against everything President Lincoln stood for. 
It was called in haste and behind closed doors.
It's got more plot twists that a John Grisham novel.
It either directly or indirectly involves people that are no longer part of this Village government. (you can decide that for yourselves)
But really, what this Special Meeting symbolizes is a call to arms. 
Don't let a few narrow minded, petulant, power hungry adolescents decide your future. (that's like giving the car keys to the 3 year old - and about as responsible)
That way, a true government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish here in Stockbridge.



  1. The fact that Friday's meeting was made in haste and behind closed doors is something that should be a new thing, or a rare thing,but it isn't. I've been to several Village meetings (and I've only attended randomly) where the Public was excused for "private" discussion relating to "public village business" This seems to be an oxymoron to most of the public.
    A listing of cash and assets and a listing of money spent is considered to be "too confusing". Is this "too confusing" for the people requesting the information, or (more likely) for the person trying to write up the accounting.
    The change that was voted in will take time and support of the villagers that voted. And name calling and character bashing? Really? That's impressive and would make me vote you back in (not). They don't even allow that on the playgrounds.

  2. I would like to see some one that sits in those seats break down the budget and accounts. Can anyone? There is a council member that never went to a meeting until he decided to campaign. Can he budget for our needs? Can he find inaccuracies? Does he know what I or you want? He has had a personal vendetta against Chief King from the get go. I have heard him call King, everything but a nice white boy. I have heard him say how he would like to see King fired, to see the village and the police department lose recent lawsuits. That's right, he wanted the village that he now represents to LOSE in a lawsuit! How can someone like this be good for our town?

    It is evident that certain members of this council have their own agendas and are acting way outside what is ethical and in some cases illegal. That's right I said illegal. If certain members of the council will lie to each other and hide info, then they will lie to you and I. Even the members of the council themselves, say info is being hidden. That meetings are being held and interviews done in private homes.

    Here is my favorite part of this mindless drivel. "Hold EVERYONE accountable. THAT is the job of the "people" that Abe was talking about. INSIST that you have all the information. BE a part of the decision making process. Don't ever forget that the elected officials in this town WORK FOR YOU. They volunteered. They campaigned. They shook your hands and made you promises." Apparently some of the council, and I really only mean some, feel that this does not apply to them. Don't point out a wrong from this side of the table.

    And why do you keep mentioning Gary Smith? I didn't even know he was till these blogs started. I am a voter(I sure didn't vote for most of them). I am not a monkey that dances when the government turns the crank. I know what is wrong and right. I don't need a weather man to tell me its raining.

    The question is how many village members are going to sit on their hands and do nothing? While some of the council makes decisions for you, without your input, with no concern for ethics or laws, will you play blind?

    Remember, the government is supposed to work for you.....not hide behind a table.

  3. Well the mindless thrashing goes marching on, with people being whipped into a frenzy by a few, the newspaper printing whatever they want true or not. Everyone wants to get their point across. But the fact of the matter is the village voted to make some changes. Some folks feel it’s their duty to insert their poisonous views. We have experienced some very dangerous tactics to date by some that will affect and scar many for some time. This is not the way civilized people are supposed to act. It hurts me to see people do everything they can to be shitty to each other.
    So when you have the impulse to write or say something hurtful to or about another human being, please consult your creator, your god or whatever you believe in that is good and try to reframe from the act. Trust me, this will help you to feel better about yourself and is truly the right thing to do. Treat people with respect, help your neighbor when in need and everything will work out. No one is better than anyone else. The world ids in the shape it’s in because no one recognizes the fact that we are all we are all in this together. As for the business at hand, let’s get the budget under control, donate some time to help the village to get back on track and make this town a great one to live in. Peace to you all.

  4. Someone who is trained to spot extremely smart peopleMarch 23, 2011 at 12:55 AM

    I think your a genius.

  5. The genius is the person who wrote that the “residents voted for change and for folks to stop hurting each other, let the elected officials do their jobs without hurling insults at them, moving forward and finally help you neighbor because we are all in this together“. These are some sound principles and wise thoughts. So to all of you helping to fix problems, my hat is off to you and you folks that just have to spit and whine, get a life!!!

  6. Government works best when the officials work together and with the public to solve shared problems and provide resolutions to shared needs. We all need to work together, not just expect the elected officials to solve everything for us like children. We need leaders, not parents. The current council seem dedicated to lead, give them time to learn the ropes.
